Latest Announcements
- Retrospect for the 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies and Beyond (July 28, 2022)
- Photos of the 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies (July 15, 2022)
- 4th WCTS livestreaming on YouTube and Facebook (June 24, 2022)
- TaiwanPlus: Explore all things Taiwan from this new English media platform (June 22, 2022)
- Updates on accommodation information for presenters (May 16, 2022)
- Publication information (May 5, 2022)
- 4th WCTS Program (April 14, 2022)
- Accommodation information for presenters (February 21, 2022)
- Response to the current COVID-19 pandemic (September 15, 2021)
Please see here for a detailed retrospect of this year's World Congress of Taiwan Studies, contributed by the Congress's Secretary General, Prof. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, to Taiwan Insight: The online magazine of the Taiwan Studies Programme.
Please see the photos here to review the great moments of the Congress.
The 4th WCTS this year will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.
To watch on YouTube, please click on the Congress program and find the session you would like to join.
To watch on Facebook, please click the UWTaiwanStudies Facebook.
Please find the program abstracts here.
TaiwanPlus provides you with news and programming from a unique and strategic perspective from Taiwan. From cross-strait relations and international politics to traditional cuisine and magnificent natural beauty, TaiwanPlus delivers high-quality free content from the heart of Asia. For more information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter , and YouTube.
For international travelers, we have updated the Accommodation Information with information for filling out ESTA upon entry into the United States.
The 4th WCTS has received a few inquiries regarding publication plans.
WCTS does not have plans to publish proceedings from the World Congress as a whole.
However, we encourage individual presenters to submit peer-reviewable, article-length research papers for publication with the International Journal of Taiwan Studies. For more information, please refer to author submission suidelines.
For participants who wish to publish a shorter version of their conference paper on Taiwan Insight, please send your paper, of no more than 1,500 words, to chun-yi.lee@nottingham.ac.uk by 15th of June. Taiwan Insight will organize a 4th WCTS special issue during or after conference.
The World Congress of Taiwan Studies program is now available for viewing here.
Due to ongoing pandemic travel restrictions faced by Taiwan-based scholars, the World Congress will adopt a hybrid format that will allow a handful of Taiwan-based scholars to present remotely. All rooms are equipped with projectors, cameras, and microphones to allow for a live panel experience.
All World Congress panels that have consented will also be live streamed and recorded on UW Taiwan Studies YouTube and Facebook platforms for the global Taiwan Studies community. Registration is free and open to all. If you are general public member, you can register to receive the streaming information and URLs directly to your email. Recordings will also be made available publicly for viewing after the World Congress.
Please click here for detailed information of campus housing and other options.
WCTS planning is going forward on the assumption that Covid-related travel restrictions will be lifted well in advance of the meeting, and that we can hold a safe, in-person meeting. We ask that participants plan to be in Seattle for the meeting, but remain aware that this is an evolving situation, which we are watching closely. We thank you for your patience and flexibility.